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Trading for the trader

Global access to exchanges and markets

Markets and exchanges

Each trader of our company has direct access to more than 200 exchanges in the world. Trading on financial markets and exchanges, a trader can implement any of his strategies using a wide range of trading assets, such as stocks, options, futures, bonds, funds, currencies or other assets that are quoted on exchanges.

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Low fees

The lowest brokerage commissions in the trading industry will allow each of our traders to minimize their expenses and save money on a trading deposit. The best trading conditions were positively assessed by our clients and highly rated our company.

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Best trading conditions
Prices for stock quotes

Stock quotes

Wholesale prices for stock quotes for our traders. Classification of traders into professionals and non-professionals on the exchange allows our clients to save on buying quotes. A trader can select the quotes he needs on the exchange he needs. It is possible to order both individual quotes and a package of quotes.

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Analytics for a trader

All our clients can access our research and news subscriptions, as well as our partners' research and news subscriptions, which are available through the Information System. All news and research that a trader has subscribed to will be available in the trading platform and linked to the trader's account number.

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Analytical packages for a trader
Interest for our clients

Interest accrual

Our clients receive profit in the form of accrued interest on the balance of free funds in the client's brokerage account. We use internationally accepted benchmarks for overnight deposits as the basis for calculating interest rates. Our company calculates interest on a daily basis and publishes the final interest data on a monthly basis.

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Pattern Day Trading

FINRA and NYSE have introduced rules for traders working on the NYSE, NASDAQ exchanges, which are designed to limit the number of intraday trading on accounts with a capital of USD 25,000 or less. All of our clients' accounts are insured and supervised by the US government. In order to provide a comfortable work for traders, our company adheres to all the rules and conditions of the exchanges.

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Pattern Day Trading
Choosing a stock broker

Right choice

For every trader, one of the main tasks is choosing the right stock broker. No matter how successful a trader is in his market forecasts and analytics, if he is mistaken with the choice of a broker, then this trader risks losing all or part of the money from his trading account due to the wrong choice of a brokerage company.

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Minimum deposit

Minimum deposit to open a brokerage account. The minimum amount to get direct access to exchanges and financial markets and the ability to trade stocks, options, futures, funds, bonds, currencies and other financial assets.

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Minimum account
24/7 trader support

Trader support

Professional and round-the-clock technical support for the trader. Support is carried out on a convenient application for our client - phone, chat, messenger. Our specialists speak many languages of the world and will always be able to quickly solve a trader's problem and answer the right question.

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Open an account

Our company opens a unique and multifunctional account for a trader with the world's best broker. Maximum convenience, ease of use, safety of money and direct access to more than 200 exchanges around the world make our solutions for the trader the best in the trading industry.

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Open real account