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Become our master

Masters Trade (company) is an association of experienced traders, both legal entities and individuals (masters), which is always expanding and looking for new partners (future masters) to work together on financial markets and exchanges.

If you are ready to have honest and open relationships with clients, brokers and partners, if you have a desire to work, learn and improve, then our company is waiting for you on its team and will provide all possible resources and share its experience so that you can earn and grow in his professionalism.

Become a master

Why is it beneficial to become a master?

Greater profitability

Our master receives from 70% to 90% of the profit. This is more profitable than having a personal business. The costs of all resources, taxes, licenses, personnel and more, the Masters Trade company pays from the remaining percentage of all masters and saves on the total flow and large volume.

Regional Master

The online resources of the masters are made in 14 languages of the world - English, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Ukrainian, Turkish, Arabic, Bengali, Hindi, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, and include more than 50 websites and 100 social networks with a potential audience more than 5 billion people. Each of our masters receives all clients from his country and it does not matter which of the masters’ resources the client has registered with. The administrator automatically connects clients to the regional master. This significantly increases the master’s client base.

Turnkey business

Each of our masters runs his own business using company resources. The master is an equal partner among all our masters. The master does not make any investments and does not risk his own capital. The master is provided with all ready-made solutions and resources for successfully running his business. The company is interested in the long-term and stable business of the master, and always supports and helps the master. The master has complete freedom of action on all resources, can change prices for his services, make changes to web resources, and more, depending on his goals and needs.

Comprehensive services

Masters provide their clients with only the best services in the trading industry. A full cycle of exchange services and great opportunities are available to all our traders and their clients. The master can choose the right services for his clients depending on his priorities, or he can provide all services. Each master gets access to the best conditions and technologies, which provides an opportunity for professional growth of the master. The company closely monitors the exchange industry and, in order to occupy a leading position, adds new services and improves existing services through a joint solution of experts.

The capabilities of each of our masters

Fund management

Earnings from managing investors' funds

A turnkey investment solution for fund managers . The company is creating a hedge fund or investment fund for our master fund managers and an account that will include the accounts of all its investors. The master will be able to manage his clients’ accounts and make stock transactions in his master platform, to which all his clients’ accounts will be connected. In the absence of existing investors, the company can provide capital for management by the master, but only if profitable trading is demonstrated on the accounts of our company or on the accounts of our broker.

Brokerage services

Earnings from commissions from your clients

The master will receive money from a portion of the trading commissions of his trading clients. The company creates a master account for the master, which includes the accounts of all his clients for complete management and control of his clients. The company provides the master with all the necessary web resources (website, community, forum, social networks) with administrator access to attract new clients. The advantage of this type of cooperation is that the master does not incur additional costs, but receives a net profit from each new client position on exchanges and financial markets.

Trading training

Earnings from training traders

The master teaches people how to trade on exchanges and markets at the Trading Academy. The Master has complete freedom of action in the Academy. The master can set his own price for training, upload his program on courses, organize events, advertise his services and more. The company provides the master with all the necessary web resources (website, community, forum, social networks) in the Academy with administrator access to advertise their services, train traders and communicate with students. The company provides support to craftsmen at all stages and implements the requirements of masters during the training process.

Main requirements for masters

Reputation and image

Honesty and openness in working with clients, the company and craftsmen is a key factor in our entire business. Our experts have a good reputation in the stock exchange industry and maintain their reputation at a high level, making every effort to satisfy the needs of our clients and increase their reputation.

Experience and knowledge

The master must have deep knowledge of the trading industry and experience in trading on stock exchanges and financial markets. The master must have strong skills in at least 1 of 3 areas - managing investor funds, attracting traders or teaching trading. A potential master must explain to the company about his experience, knowledge, plans, capabilities, so that the company can help the potential master choose the right direction for professional growth and maximum return from the master’s work.

A desire to work

The master must have a desire to actively work both in his main direction - investing, trading or training, and in a secondary direction. The secondary direction is when the master, to whom the company gives administrator access to web resources, creates content on a forum, website, community in order to show potential clients their capabilities and advertise themselves. The company will also advertise the master’s topics and messages so that more people can see them and increase the master’s client base.

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